VB Perfect Print Beta 1.0.3 for Windows 95/NT Copyright (c) Ahmosa Island Software VB Perfect Print is a utility that will print a professional copy of your source code to just about any printer configured in windows 95/NT. It is for VB 4.0 only. In this Beta version, you can set font attributes for code, comments, function and sub names, titles and divider lines including different colors for each. You can set the font size, color, bold and italic attributes. You can have a border around the pages. Formats large lines into mutiple. Printer margins can be set. Release version will have many more options available. Use the install option if you are using Winzip or equiv. If not, unzip the files into a temporary dir and run the setup.exe file. It will install an entry into your Start/Program List. *Note - This version contains only the installation for a system that has VB 4.0 installed already. To use this on a system that doesn't have VB4.0 installed, you will need the support files. A full version is available at our web site... http://w3.one.net/~dp/ The Release version will be available about mid March or earlier.